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Shibui is a Japanese word that refers to a particular aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty. Shibui objects appear to be simple overall, but they include subtle details, such as textures, that balance simplicity with complexity. This balance of simplicity and complexity ensures that one does not tire of a shibui object, but constantly finds new meanings and enriched beauty that cause its aesthetic value to grow over the years.

Surf photography takes on an aspect all its own. I have to know the ocean, the tide, wind, wave height and underwater landscape in order to know where to position myself to get the best shots. There is no tripod, no stability. You are floating with a water camera in a surf zone constantly swimming, and having to know where your subject is at all times. It is probably some of the most challenging photography there is, and at the same time, there is nothing like it, and when the lens captures that beautiful moment, it is beyond words.

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